Economic & Financial Speakers :
Marnus Broodryk

Marnus Broodryk
Location : JHB
Marnus Broodryk was born and raised in the small town of Harrismith in the Free State, South Africa.
With Parents that couldn’t afford his school fees and being raised by a single mom, his ‘Rags to Rickes’ success story reads like a movie script. He started washing cars and cutting grass to pay for his own school fees and later worked 18 hour days to get through articles and part time tertiary education. Fast forward 10 years and Marnus has built one of the most valued and successful accounting firms in South Africa, was the youngest investor ever to be on the international television show “Shark Tank” and in Marnus’ own words “ This is just the beginning of my career.”
Today this 31-year-old entrepreneur is the CEO of the Beancounter. The Beancounter is an accounting firm with a unique business approach: it uses the best cloud technology available to enable business owners to have better understanding of their businesses. It also assists them to make smarter business decisions and assess their numbers. SMEs often do not have the capacity or knowledge to perform their own financial functions, an essential function in all business; hence the team from from the Beancounter provide the necessary skills and assistance at an affordable cost.
In as little as 8 years, the Beancounter has become one of the most sought after accounting firms in the country. In 2016 a majority share was acquired by JSE-listed company, Transaction Capital. Marnus’ new mission is to combine the skills and technology sets of both companies to create platforms and technology advancements to fund small businesses around the world.
Aside from the Beancounter, Marnus broodryk is involved in many other successful business prospects.
Amoungst those being the launching and selling of 3 tech companies; a glass company; a construction company and even a vegan restaurant. Marnus also dedicates his time to helping other entrepreneurs reach their dreams by providing seed capital and mentoring. Many of these individuals have gone on to create multi-million rand businesses today. One such business is Karabelo Civil Services where Marnus is still involved today. Karabelo Civil Services started with a mere R20,000 loan and today; this company employs over 200 people and boasts one of the biggest road maintenance contracts on the N3.
Marnus is also a familiar face on television; in 2016 he was asked to participate in M-Net’s reality series Shark Tank South Africa and hosts a weekly insert on KykNET’s Winslyn; where he shares advice and tips with aspiring and established entrepreneurs on how to start; manage and grow a successful business.
Marnus Broodryk is arguably one of the most well-known entrepreneurs in South Africa and has become a thought leader and advocate for small business owners. Through his own platforms, he regularly shares information, hosts various events and recently started a community called the “Entrepreneur Zone” to connect established entrepreneurs.
Marnus Broodryk has come a long way from the lawn mowing, car washing teenager to the confident and extremely successful man that he is today. At a tender age of 31, the road ahead looks immensely promising.