Economic & Financial Speakers :
Ndumiso hadebe

ndumiso hadebe
Location : JHB
Ndumiso Hadebe is trained in applied economics and international trade, he has served in the faculty board and institutional senate of one of Africa’s leading economic institutions. Through his development work in rural communities in South Africa, Ndumiso is immersed in the conversation and application related to challenges facing business and governments. Ndumiso’s delivers solutions for public and private sector clients assisting leaders and managers to leverage the space where the state meets the market, increasing the level of competitiveness for business and the states ability to respond to challenges that come with growing populations.
Ndumiso Hadebe’s work in the discipline of applied development economics as a management consultant and researcher, he has developed meaningful strategy and innovation insight for private and public sector clients. Ndumiso’s presentations add a fresh, inspirational millennial approach towards problem solving and delivering sustainable solutions in a volatile, uncertain, complex nd ambiguous (VUCA) market.
Ndumiso Hadebe is a young South African who believes in the importance of leaving people better than they were. Passionate about holistic development of people, Ndumiso continues to commit his time and skills towards the empowerment and development of young people who fall on the other side of the technology and information gap. Development is a theme that is constant both inside and outside of his work.
Ndumiso Hadebe’s talks :
Why bad leadership is actually good
Increasingly organisations the world over are finding themselves in the interplay between leadership and economics. The ability to navigate both, results in the sustainable competitiveness for companies. “Why bad leadership is actually good” debunks the myths about what good leadership is in times where organisations and governments are faced with navigating levels of unprecedented change.
-How can you manage rapid change, transform your organisation culture and stay ahead of the game?
-Cannibalising your organisation’s core given the advent of rising youth unemployment and its implications
-What does the future of your organisation look like without the proper understanding of the youth market?
-Case studies of global companies that effectively leverage regional development challenges in harnessing exponential growth
-Leadership secrets that increase individual and company influence in saturated markets
The truth about fake news: A view of SA through its young intelligentsia
This presentation silences the noise from the news headlines and trending hashtags and provides honest reflections, painful truths and the hopeful outlook of young South Africans that serve as meaningful insights in harnessing the ability to navigate the South African landscape.
-Opportunities for value creation and investment
-How to craft meaningful and coherent business strategy in a global context
-Which brand and marketing strategies for young people?
-How to lift up your business whilst uplifting people